After independence, education became the responsibility of the states. The Indian education system is generally based on marks. There are broadly four stages of school education in India, namely primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary (or high schools). The primary or the elementary education is the foundation of the education system in India, as the children are given eight years of schooling during this period. After completing the elementary education, the students get into the secondary level.
The government has taken up the responsibility for ensuring universal elementary education (primary and upper primary) for all children between the age group of six to fourteen. From class one to five is the primary school from the age group of six to eleven. Upper Primary and Secondary school pupils are aged between eleven to fifteen years organized into class”s six to ten. The higher secondary school student ages sixteen to seventeen enrolled in classes eleven and twelve.
The state government provides many opportunities to improve education in India. In the world level, India literacy rate in the Year 2001 census was 64.83, which improved to 74.04 in 2011. The Tamil Nadu is the one of the most literate states in India. Tamil Nadu has performed reasonably well in terms of literacy growth during the decade 2001 to 2011. The state’s literacy rate increased from 73.47% in 2001 to 80.3% in 2011 which is above the national average. This is good improvement in literacy rate.
In Tamil Nadu education system, generally based on Marks. There are broadly four stages of school education namely primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary (or high schools).The state government taking more steps to develop our education.
The state Government has been implemented the Common School System is called “Samacheer Kalvi” or Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education or Equitable education system.
Advantage of Samacheer Kalvi:
“It”s very simple, useful to the students and parents.
” Samacheer Kalvi maintain common books and syllabus for both Tamil and English medium, because all the students are studying in the uniform way.
“This scheme purpose is to make same quality syllabus which can stop discrimination based on economy, caste, religion and background for all school boards in Tamilnadu.
“Uniform education system will help the children”s of government official, who transferred from one school to another.
“If we will have uniform education system in the state poor children can get better education along with the other states and can learn better things.
Samacheer Kalvi is one of the best in Indian education. “Education is not something which the teacher does … it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being”
Tag: Tamil Nadu
How To Improve Rural Education In India
Indian literacy rate in the year 2011 census was 74.04 Government of India has taken several measures to improve the literacy rate in villages and towns of India. State Governments has been directed to ensure and improve literacy rate in districts and villages where people are very poor. There has been a good improvement in literacy rate of India in last 10 years but there is still a long way to go.
Many children living in rural areas receive a level of education which is very poor. But City areas level of education is very good.
To compare with city education and rural education:
“There are many schools in cities and towns but there are very few schools in villages and the rural areas.
“Transportation facilities like bus pick and in city schools where as children in rural areas have to walk miles to reach their schools.
“Basic amenities like no drinking water in provided in some of the schools in villages.
“Level of education in City schools is far advanced as compared to the basic level taught in rural schools.
“Computer facility is there city areas but no computer facility in villages.
“Group classes are taken by using video conferencing and audio conferencing in City schools where as no such facilities are provided for students in rural schools.
“The teachers are given tools like laptops, printers to provide notes and other important notices to the children in city schools while there are no such facilities in the rural schools.
“School infrastructure in case of cities areas is much more advanced as compared to that in schools in rural areas where some times children are even made to sit on the floor due to non-availability of furniture.
” School education in city areas is more advanced especially since there is a lot of computer aided teaching.
“Apart from the course curriculum rural schools are not able to involve children in other activities like sports, co-curricular activities and competitions. Such events and activities tend help in the over all development of the children.
Government of several measures India has taken to improve the education in villages and towns of India. But some step to improve rural side education.
List of Steps taken by Government of India to improve rural areas side education in India:
Step1: To provide free standard education to rural children.
Step2: Supporting children for higher education.
Step3: Guiding and Supporting Research scholars in Educational Development.
Step4: Implementing new teaching methodologies and Assessment system.
Step5: Promoting all schools to stress free environment.
Step6: Free education programs to poor people living in villages.
Step7: To provide Free Internet facility.
Step8: In our schools in rural side monthly once arrange seminar on any one topic example how to develop our communication?
Step9: In rural side must to teach spoken English. Because in this world English is very important. Most of the country speaking in English so rural side the government takes the step to provide free spoken English.
Step10: Maintain rank card system. Giving gift to top ranking students.
Step11: Extra caring to teach the poor students.
Step12: Yearly twice arranges the industrial visit.
Step13: Arrange the bus facility.
Step14: Maintain uniform education for all states. The Government of Tamil Nadu has been implemented the Common School System is called “Samacheer Kalvi” or Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education or Equitable education system. This is very good System. This System purpose is to make same quality syllabus which can stop discrimination based on economy, caste, religion and background for all school boards in Tamil Nadu. If we will have uniform education system in the states poor children can get more advantages of better education.